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Copyright © 2025 The Shelter. All Rights Reserved.

Limited Seating! Please Reserve Early!

Aloha Friends,

We would like to thank all of you for supporting The Shelter since its inception. In celebration of our success, we would like to invite you to our THE CALL OF HOPE Gala and humbly ask for your support by sponsoring a table or making a silent auction donation towards our event. Join us as we bring our Shelter ohana together to celebrate our successes, see the vision for the future and together create a strong economic support to continue transforming the lives of homeless mothers and children in Kahalu’u.

THE CALL OF HOPE Gala will be held on Saturday, August 23, 2025, 5:00 pm, at the Honolulu Country Club. Enjoy an evening with a delicious buffet dinner, inspiring stories of transformation, live entertainment and our vision for the future!

The Shelter is a faith-based transitional shelter for homeless women and children. Through a carefully integrated program of building a firm spiritual and emotional foundation, mothers are prepared for gainful employment and qualification for housing subsidies. In the process, a mother is mentored for effective motherhood and provision for her children. At the same time, they experience peace, security and instant support from ohana.

The Shelter has transformed many lives because of the generous support of the community.

In the last 5 years, we:

• Transitioned over 40 families from homelessness to living in their own apartments

• Currently have 9 families in transition for their future hope and housing.

Through your support, we can continue to expand our transformational services and give

THE CALL OF HOPE to the hard-working mothers and their innocent children.

Mahalo and Blessings,

Pastor Klayton Ko
Board Chairman
Daniel Kaneshiro
Executive Director
Dr. Kore & Michelle Liow
Fundraising Chairs

Our Mission

To provide faith-based transitional housing solutions for homeless mothers and children and female kupuna, helping them achieve permanent affordable housing with lasting transformation through spiritual growth, community support, practical skills, and social services / housing referral assistance.

The Need

The Problem: Homeless moms relying on systems that fails to address the root causes of instability.
·What’s Missing: Aloha (love), practical skills, community support, and pathways to independence.
·The Impact: With proven program success, families break the cycles of poverty and homelessness.

Our Aloha Solution

Holistic Program Addressing Root Causes of Homelessness

Aloha (Love, Compassion)

* Spiritual Transformation: Introducing God’s ALOHA as the foundation for lasting change.
* Guiding Support: Partnering on journey with the moms and children with love and emotional support.

Ohana (Family, Community)

* Family of Support: Peer/Church/Community to rebuild relationships and trust.
* Emotional Encouragement: In the emotions of dispair, a reinforcement of hope and stability.

Malama (Care, Protect)

* Holistic Support: Moms receive mentorship and training on the path to independence.
* Accountability: Creating a sense of accountability to authority, laws and responsibilities

Kuleana (Responsibility, Purpose)

* Independence: Job security, financial literacy, responsible parenting/childcare, reliable transportation.
* Team Approach: We are all responsible to create and financially support solutions for the homeless.

Partnership Benefits

Proven Success: We have transitioned over 40 families to be productive member of the community

Collaborative Teamwork: Financial support from corporations, non-profits, churches and individuals

Community Growth: Strengthening local communities through restored families.

Long-Term Success: Moms leave The Shelter with stable housing, job security, and renewed dignity.


(Supports Operational Budget)

Diamond Sponsor

(8 Tables Available)
$ 15,000
  • Named as presenting sponsor with unique naming recognition leading up to and at the event
  • Prime placement of logo and name on website, all printed event materials, and social media
  • Recognition and speaking opportunity
  • Two-page color spread in the event brochure; Signage at food stations and beverage stations
  • Premium table of 10

Platinum Sponsor

(10 Tables Available)
$ 10,000
  • Prime placement of logo and name on website, all printed event materials, and social media
  • Recognition and speaking opportunity
  • One-page color spread in the event brochure; Signage at food stations and beverage stations
  • Premium table of 10

Gold Sponsor

(10 Tables Available)
$ 7,500
  • Key placement of logo and name on website, all printed event materials, and social media
  • Recognition and speaking opportunity
  • Half-page color spread in the event brochure; Signage at hors doeuvre and beverage stations
  • Premium table of 8

Silver Sponsor

(8 Tables Available)
$ 5,000
  • Appearance of logo and name on website, all printed event materials, and social media
  • Recognition and speaking opportunity; Quarter-page color spread in the event brochure
  • Premium table of 8

Bronze Sponsor

(8 Tables Available)
$ 2500
  • Appearance of logo/name on website, printed event materials, and social media
  • Premium table of 8

Individual Ticket

$ 250
  • Individual seat

Donation Profile

Your caring hearts make a difference!



  • Hale Aloha O Ke Akua: Kahalu’u is original site. 501c3 non profit corporation in 2019
  • Begun in 2015 as a financial collaboration with First Assembly of God, churches & private donations


  • Faith-based transitional shelter for single moms w/ children to break the cycle of abuse, neglect, hurts, habits, and life challenges
  • Success in stabilizing moms with spiritual, economic, emotional, and character foundation.


  • Sustaining budget of $30,000 monthly



  • Hale Aloha O Ke Akua: Waianae in planning phase. Target start pending grant funding
  • Supported by multiple churches, organizations, State & City government, corporations, community


  • NEW: Serving female kupuna in addition to single moms and their children
  • Providing services to Waianae coast


  • $5 million startup budget; 50% grants, 50% corporate and private donations



  • Donation of 47.5 acres of land in Makaha in visionary & master planning discussion


  • Community center for services to underserved on the Waianae coast


  • $50 million in legacy, endowment and foundational donations

Please donate to the Gala Silent Auctio

Your caring hearts make a difference!

In conjunction with our gala, we are reaching out to request your generous support in the form of table sponsorships and/or donations for our Silent Auction, which will be a highlight of the evening. Your contributions will play a significant role in helping us meet our operational budget and continue providing essential services to those in need.

Donations of all kinds are welcome and greatly appreciated. Whether it’s a product, service, or experience, your contribution will help make a difference in the lives of the families we serve.

Donations will be accepted until August 1, 2025.















For any inquiries, please contact the following:

Silent Auction Donations
Kim Ko | galaauction@theshelter.org

Gala Table Sponsorships
Niana Kilbey | (808) 446-0032 | nkilbey@theshelter.org

Thank you in advance for considering our request. Your generosity will directly impact the success of The Shelter Gala and, more importantly, the lives of the moms and keiki we support.

Please donate to the Gala Silent Auctio

Arise, people of the land,
In the shelter of His grace, we stand.
Ke Akua calls, His love surrounds,
In this sacred place, His hope abounds.

Hale Aloha O Ke Akua,
Here His arms are open wide.
Hope and peace wil always find you,
In His love, you will abide.

Ohana gathered, hand in hand,
Awakened hope across the land.
Keiki, wahine, and kupuna too,
A future bright, His light shines through.

Aloha flows like gentle streams,
A living promise, a holy dream.
In every laugh, in every tear,
God’s presence whispers, “I am here.”

Aloha fills these sacred walls,
God’s love that lifts, a voice that calls.
Malama, tender hands will heal,
Kuleana, faith made real.

Kupuna wise, their voices sing,
Songs of joy and hope they bring.
Keiki laugh and dreams arise,
Love reflected in their eyes.

So come and rest, find shelter here,
Love and kindness draw you near.
Hale Aloha, home so true,
God’s great love will carry you.